Niederreiter–Xing Sequence Construction III with GarcÃa–Stichtenoth Tower As Constant Field Extension
With Niederreiter-Xing’s sequence construction III a digital (t, s)-sequence over Fb can be constructed based on an algebraic function field of genus g containing s + 1 distinct places P∞, P1,…, Ps with deg P∞ = 1. The t-parameter is bounded by

In the proof of [1, Theorem 3] Niederreiter and Xing consider the tower F1 ⊆ F2 ⊆ ⋯ of global function fields over Fb, where F1 is the rational function field Fb(x1) and Fi+1 := Fi(zi+1) for i = 1, 2,…, where zi+1 satisfies the equation

Now let Ei := FiFb2, then E1 ⊆ E2 ⊆ ⋯ is the tower of function fields over Fb2 discovered by GarcÃa and Stichtenoth in [2], thus exact formulas for g(Ei/Fb2) and N(Ei/Fb2) are known. It follows from the invariance of the genus under constant field extensions that
where N2 denotes the number of places of degree 2, because Ei/Fi is an unramified extension of degree 2. Furthermore it is shown in the proof of [1, Theorem 3] that N(Fi/Fb) ≥ 1, which implies that N(Fi/Fb) ≥ 2 because N(Ei/Fb2) is even, implying that
Thus a (gi − 1 + s, s)-sequence over Fb can be constructed for all s = 1,…, 1 + (N(Ei/Fb2) − 2)/2 and for all i ≥ 1.
Related Result
Based on this construction it is shown in [1, Theorem 3] that a digital (t, s)-sequence over Fb with

exists for all prime powers b and all s ≥ 1.
[1] | Chaoping Xing and Harald Niederreiter. A construction of low-discrepancy sequences using global function fields. Acta Arithmetica, 73(1):87–102, 1995. MR1358190 (96g:11096) |
[2] | Arnaldo GarcÃa and Henning Stichtenoth. A tower of Artin-Schreier extensions of function fields attaining the Drinfeld-Vladut bound. Inventiones Mathematicae, 121(1):211–222, December 1995. doi:10.1007/BF01884295 |
Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid.
Cite this as: Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid. “Niederreiter–Xing Sequence Construction III with GarcÃa–Stichtenoth Tower As Constant Field Extension.”
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