Varšamov–Edel Lengthening
In [1, Theorem 1.23] an improvement on the Varšamov bound is given.
Let H be the generator matrix of a linear orthogonal array OA(bm, s,Fb, k). Let Ïκ(H) denote the number of vectors in Fbm that can be obtained by a linear combination of κ or less columns of H. If Ïk−1(H) < bm, a vector x ∈ Fbm can be found that is linearly independent of any k−1 columns in H. Thus (H|x) is the generator matrix of a linear OA(bm, s + 1,Fb, k).
Now the original Varšamov bound follows from
where Vbs(r) denotes the volume of a ball with radius r in the Hamming space Fbs.
Better OAs can be obtained by constructing a sequence of OAs (Ai)i ≥ 0 with parameters OA(bmi, si,Fb, k) and generator matrices Hi as follows: One starts with an existing OA A0 and estimates

for κ = 0,…, k−1. Note that Ï0(Hi) = Ni(0) = 1 for all i. Then one constructs Ai+1 from Ai using one of the following two methods:
If Ni(k – 1) < bmi, a vector x ∈ Fbmi exists such that Hi+1 := (Hi|x) is the generator matrix of an OA(bmi, si +1,Fb, k) which we use as Ai+1. Furthermore we have
Ïκ(Hi+1) ≤ Ni+1(κ) := min{bmi+1, Ni(κ) + (b – 1)Ni(κ – 1)}for 1,…, k−1.
If Ni(k – 1) = bmi, we construct an OA Aiʹ with generator matrix
Hiʹ :=,
where r ≥ 1 is chosen as small as possible such that
Ïk−1(Hiʹ) ≤ Niʹ(k – 1) :=(b – 1)jNi(k – 1 – j) < bmi+r,
which can be shown to be equivalent to determining the smallest r such that Ni(k – 1 – r) < bmi. Now a vector x ∈ Fbmi+r can be found such that Hi+1 := (Hiʹ|x) is the generator matrix of an OA(bmi+r, si + r + 1,Fb, k) used for Ai+1. The Ni+1 can be calculated based on Ni using the formula
Ïκ(Hi+1) ≤ Ni+1(κ) := minbmi+1,Â
(b – 1)jNi(κ−j)
See Also
Since the new code contains the original code as a subcode, construction X can be applied to this pair.
[1] | Yves Edel. Eine Verallgemeinerung von BCH-Codes. PhD thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, 1996. ![]() |
Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid.
Cite this as: Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid. “VarÅ¡amov–Edel Lengthening.”
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Version: 2024-09-05.