Quasi-Cyclic Codes by Gulliver and Bhargava

In a series of articles Gulliver and Bhargava construct quasi-cyclic codes over 2, 3, F4, and F8.

Results for codes over 2 can be found in [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5]. Codes over 3 and F4 are listed in [6], codes over F8 in [7].


[1]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
Some best rate 1/p and rate (p−1)/p systematic quasi-cyclic codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 37(3):552–555, May 1991.
[2]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
Nine good rate (m−1)/pm quasi-cyclic codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 38(4):1366–1369, July 1992.
[3]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
Two new rate 2/p binary quasi-cyclic codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 40(5):1667–1668, September 1994.
[4]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
An updated table of rate 1/p binary quasi-cyclic codes.
Applied Mathematics Letters, 8(5):81–86, September 1995.
[5]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
New optimal binary linear codes of dimensions 9 and 10.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 43(1):314–316, January 1997.
[6]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
Some best rate 1/p and rate (p−1)/p systematic quasi-cyclic codes over GF(3) and GF(4).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 38(4):1369–1374, July 1992.
[7]T. Aaron Gulliver and Vijay K. Bhargava.
New linear codes over GF(8).
Applied Mathematics Letters, 13(2):17–19, February 2000.


Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid.
Cite this as: Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid. “Quasi-Cyclic Codes by Gulliver and Bhargava.” From MinT—the database of optimal net, code, OA, and OOA parameters. Version: 2015-09-03. http://mint.sbg.ac.at/desc_CGulliverBhargava.html

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