Quasi-Cyclic Codes by Boukliev, Daskalov, and Kapralov

In [1, Theorem 10] Boukliev, Daskalov, and Kapralov construct quaternary quasi-cyclic codes with parameters [176, 5, 129], [180, 5, 132], [190, 5, 140], [205, 5, 152], and [216, 5, 160]. The article lists the generating polynomials as well as the weight distributions.


[1]Iliya G. Boukliev, Rumen N. Daskalov, and Stoyan N. Kapralov.
Optimal quaternary linear codes of dimension five.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 42(4):1228–1235, July 1996.
doi:10.1109/18.508846 MR1445641 (98b:94017)


Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid.
Cite this as: Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid. “Quasi-Cyclic Codes by Boukliev, Daskalov, and Kapralov.” From MinT—the database of optimal net, code, OA, and OOA parameters. Version: 2015-09-03. http://mint.sbg.ac.at/desc_CBouklievDaskalovKapralov.html

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